The Emergency Management Agency in conjunction with the National Weather Service Forecast Office in Paducah Ky. and the Tri-State Amateur Radio Society, is a partner in the SKYWARN Severe Weather Spotter Program. The Emergency Management Agency's roll in SKYWARN is to act as a conduit for information between and from The National Weather Service and Local Weather Spotters.
During times when severe weather becomes a threat to our community, SKYWARNis activated. Weather spotters are activated, The Emergency Operations Center is activated, and a SKYWARN Amateur Radio Net is established. SKYWARN, founded in the early 1970's is made up of a group of trained, dedicated amateur weather enthusiast who work in conjunction with the National Weather Service by observing and reporting adverse weather conditions to promote public safety and minimize property damage. In the advent of Doppler Radar, and other technologies, the art and science of weather forecasting has made great strides, but even with all the technology, the National Weather Service still is in need of 'ground truth' observers. It is through training that the National Weather Service teaches interested volunteers to be safe, effective and accurate weather spotters who provide them with the needed ground truths.
The City of Evansville and Vanderburgh County operates an outdoor warning siren system. This system consists of Forty (40) warning sirens located through out the City and County. When the National Weather Service issues a Severe Thunderstorm Warning or a Tornado Warning, The County Central Dispatch Center activates the sirens. The Outdoor Warning Sirens are operated by the Evansville/Vanderburgh Co. Central Dispatch. The Emergency Management Agency is responsible for the administration, testing, and maintenance of the sirens. Evansville/Vanderburgh Co. will activate warning sirens for any life-threatening emergency, including severe weather or hazardous chemical spills.
Emergency Sirens
Siren Control Electronics Provided By Sentry Siren - Click Picture for Further Information

Sirens are tested every Friday at 12:00 noon, weather permitting. The sirens are an integral part of your weather awareness program, along with your NOAA Weather Radio, and your own 'eyes to the sky's.