Results 1-6 of 6
How do I get a public defender?
The Court will make a determination of whether you are entitled to a Public Defender. If you are found to be indigent and eligible, an Attorney from our office will be appointed.
How do I know who my public defender is?
Once the Court has determined that you are eligible for a Public Defender and have appointed our office, the Court will notify our office electronically. One of our secretaries will then assign your case to an Attorney. After the secretary has assigned your case to an Attorney, you will receive a copy of your charging information, docket sheet, and a card stating who your Attorney is, with their contact information.
How do I contact my Public Defender?
Once our clients receive their attorney's information in the mail, they may then contact their Attorney by telephone. Our clients may also send their Attorney mail to the Public Defender's office or their attorney's private office. To make sure the mail gets to the correct Attorney, please provide the Attorney's name on the front of the envelope. See our Staff Directory for a list of Public Defenders and their contact information.
When is my next court date?
You can see your next scheduled court date by looking at your court docket online. See the link below. You can also contact our office at (812) 435-5900.
How can I get my conviction appealed?
Advise the Attorney who represented you at the trial that you wish to appeal your conviction. If you are determined to be indigent by the Court, our office will be appointed to represent you on the appeal.
What do I do if I want to pursue an appeal of a plea agreement, file for a sentence modification or file a post-conviction relief petition?
Any defendant who wants to appeal his/her plea agreement or who wants to file for post-conviction relief may NOT be represented by the County Public Defender Agency. They should contact the Office of the State Public Defender in Indianapolis. They can be reached at (317) 232-2475.
Results 1-6 of 6