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201 NW 4th St
Old Court House Room 303
Evansville, IN 47708
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- Phone: (812) 435-5239
- Business Fax: (812) 435-5941
- Staff Directory
- Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 - 4:30, excluding County holidays
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Veterans Services
Welcome to Vanderburgh County Veterans Services!
Our office provides assistance to veterans in filing claims for their veteran's benefits. We assist veterans, their spouses, and their dependents on questions about benefits and provide information regarding eligibility requirements. We assist with both State and Federal VA benefits.
Vanderburgh County is one of ninety one counties in Indiana that employ a County Veterans Service Officer (CVSO). CVSO's are veterans who stand ready to help you with your veteran-related needs. Our office has all the forms and other information you may need to obtain service from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs or the State of Indiana. The Service Officer will assist you in finding the information and resources you need to solve your service-related problems. They are your liaison for all veteran issues.