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Civic Center Complex
1 NW Martin Luther King Jr Blvd
Evansville, IN 47708
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  • Business:  (812) 436-4919
  • Staff Directory
  • Hours: Monday through Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM (CT)

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City License & Permit Applications

  • Downtown Street Vendor Permit Application
    • No person, firm, or corporation shall hawk, peddle, vend, sell, or offer for sale goods, wares, merchandise, food, or services on any public street, sidewalk, or right-of-way in the Downtown Redevelopment Area without this permit. (Evansville Municipal Code 5.25)
  • E-Scooter License Application
    • For a company to deploy an e-scooter in the City, the company must obtain a license from the City Controller. (Evansville Municipal Code 10.60.050)
  • Horse-Drawn Carriage License Application
    • No person shall operate a carriage for hire within the City without obtaining and maintaining a carriage business license under this article. (Evansville Municipal Code 5.50.210)
  • Pawnbroker License Application
    • No person shall engage in the business of a pawnbroker (engaging in the business of loaning money on deposit or pledge of personal property or other things of value or engaging in the business of purchasing things of value on condition of reselling the object to the person pledging or selling it at a stipulated price) in the City without first having obtained a license. (Evansville Municipal Code 5.15)
  • Peddler's Permit Application
    • No person shall engage in the business of hawking or peddling, with or without a vehicle or handcart, on or about the streets, alleys, hotels, business houses, private dwellings, or any public or private place in the City, or offer for sale from house-to-house or door-to-door, any jewelry, cutlery, clocks, medicine, goods, wares, or merchandise of any kind, or any meats, fish, fruit, produce, ice cream, or other articles or things, or take orders for such goods, wares, or other articles or things, for immediate or future delivery, without first having obtained a license. The Peddler's Permit is annual and shall expire on December 31 of the year of issuance. (Evansville Municipal Code 5.20)
  • Secondhand Merchant License Application
    • No person shall engage in the business of buying or selling secondhand goods (any article, item, or good that was previously used by any person for its manufactured purpose and is to be resold to a customer for its manufactured use) without obtaining a license. A separate license is required for each location and separate business. (Evansville Municipal Code Ch 5.30)
  • Sidewalk Café License Application
    • It shall be a violation for any person to engage in café activity on a sidewalk in the public right-of-way without obtaining a license. (Evansville Municipal Code 5.55)
  • Sidewalk Concrete Contractor License Application
    • No person shall engage in the business of sidewalk contractor or in the business of laying any concrete work or setting any stone curbing in the streets, alleys, sidewalks, or public grounds of the City without first having obtained a license.

Contact Pam Smith, Finance Department Office Manager, with questions concerning the above licenses and permits at 812-436-4919 or