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Vanderburgh County Bookkeeping - Payroll & Benefits

The Auditor's Office processes payroll and benefits for all Vanderburgh County employees. Forms are available that can be filled out online and printed for benefit and payroll information. The Auditor's Office hopes to offer a more convenient process with the information on this page. If you have any questions, contact phone numbers and e-mail addresses are provided below: 

Name/E-mail Link
Position Title
Phone Number
Theresa Bassemier  County Auditor 812-435-5763
Shelia Colaccechi  Chief Deputy 812-435-5467
Jennifer Weber  Payroll Bookkeeper 812-435-5026
Leslie Saiko  Insurance/ Retirement Bookkeeper 812-435-5826
Tamara Shiver/Lea Ellis Bookkeeper II 812-435-5029  Email Address for Payroll  
Bookkeeping FAX No.   812-435-5027

Empty headiPayroll Schedules:

2025 Bi-Weekly Payroll Schedule

2025 Weekly Payroll Schedule

Vanderburgh County 99A Forms are now located in Right Stuff as the Service Record

Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is a federal law that provides
eligible employees with job-protected leave for qualifying family and
medical reasons. The U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division
(WHD) enforces the FMLA for most employees. Eligible employees can take up to 12 workweeks of FMLA leave for qualifying events.  Vanderburgh County has partnered with MetLife to be the administrator of this leave.  Please click here to learn how you can file your claim with MetLife

Employee Self Service (ESS) 

If you are a Vanderburgh County Employee, please follow the steps below to access your payroll information, including copies of checks and W2s:

  • Click on the link:
  • Click on the Log In link in the top right-hand corner.
  • Enter your username (jsmith for John Smith).
  • Enter your password (this would have been given to you at orientation)
  • Click on the Employee Self Service link to the top right of your screen and your employee information will appear.
  • If you are having issues logging into ESS, please contact payroll by email or call 812-435-5029.

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Personnel Policy

Click here to go to the County Ordinances and view Chapter 2.90, the Employee Handbook.

Any questions should be addressed to the Vanderburgh County Commissioners. You can visit the County Commission website or contact their office by phone at 812-435-5241.

Salary Ordinance

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The Vanderburgh County Salary Ordinance is approved by the County Council at their first meeting of each year. The Vanderburgh County Council adopts an ordinance setting the compensation of all county offices for the calendar year. For further information on the Salary Ordinance, contact the County Council Office at 812-435-5790.


Vanderburgh County provides medical group health insurance and life insurance for elected officials and full-time County employees. The County Auditor manages these benefits for all eligible County employees with the exception of the life insurance policies for the Vanderburgh County Sheriff's deputies and the county Teamsters employees. Vanderburgh County currently offers Anthem health plans, a dental plan, vision plan and life insurance for those employees that are eligible.

Insurance Policies

To view the current Anthem plans and rates, see the table below.  For Central States you will need to contact your Union Representative: 

  • 24/7 Free Nurse Line is 888-279-5446
  • HRI Dental Health Options Customer Service number is 800-727-1444.
  • United Healthcare Vision Customer service number is 800-638-3120.
  • The Difference Card Welcome Kit   - the difference card is being continued in 2025. Primary Care Co-Pay will be $0.
Insurance Name/ Form or Provider Link
Employee Cost
Employer Cost
Total Cost
ER HSA Deposit
 United Health Care (UHC)
United Health Care (UHC)
Employee + Spouse
 184.63 1661.64 1846.27
United Health Care (UHC)
Employee + children
 175.40 1578.56 1753.96
 United Health Care (UHC)
 276.94 2492.45 2769.69
United Health Care HSA
79.81 718.28 798.09
United Health Care HSA
Employee + Spouse
 159.62 1,436.60 1,596.22
United Health Care HSA
Employee + children
151.64 1,364.77 1,516.41
United Health Care HSA
Paramount Dental
Paramount Dental
Employee + 1
Paramount Dental
United Healthcare Vision  (Spectera)
United Healthcare Vision (Spectera)
Employee + 1
United Healthcare Vision (Spectera)

Clinic Information

Free for all county employees on United Health Care Insurance

To schedule all appointments:

Call 1-812-436-4552 or 1-888-492-8722.

For online scheduling, follow these instructions:

  1. Use this link: to g6et to the Tri State Community Clinics website;
  2. Select "Appointments";
  3. Select "COE/VCG/EVCBA";
  4. Scroll down to the Appointment Locator and make a selection from the drop-down menu.

When making a Medication Refill Appointment, allow time for the clinic to prepare your refill so your wait time will be as short as possible. If a Medication Refill Appointment is made at least 24 hours in advance, the refill can be picked up any time during the scheduled day of the Medication Refill Appointment. Medication Refill Appointments made the same day can be picked up at the time of the appointment or thereafter.

For same day appointments or if you would like to see a specific provider, please call to ensure availability. 1-888-492-8722 (or 812-436-4552)

Call 1-888-492-8722 24/7 including weekends and holidays with your medical questions, especially if you aren’t sure if you need care or not.

Life Insurance

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Term Life and Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance policy will be carried through MetLife on all eligible Vanderburgh County employees.

  • Eligible employees age 64 and under will receive $15,000 of coverage.
  • Eligible employees age 64 and over will receive $10,000 of coverage.
  • Cost will be a penny a month.
  • Use this link to view the new life insurance policy.
  • Use this link to print the enrollment form.
  • MetLife Customer Service number is 800-275-4638.

Flex Benefit Plan (AFLAC)

Vanderburgh County's Flexible Benefit Plan is administered by American Family Life and Casualty (AFLAC). This plan allows employees' insurance premiums to be deducted from their paychecks before taxes are figured.

Once you choose to participate in the flex program, you will be locked into the agreement for one year. This means that you can only drop your insurance (under the flex program) during Vanderburgh County's open enrollment period.

Not all insurance premiums qualify as a pre-tax deduction. Most health insurance premiums will qualify.

To find out more information or to enroll in the Flexible Benefit Plan, contact the AFLAC agent by email by clicking on her name:

Deferred Compensation

The deferred compensation representative from Nationwide, Virginia Geddes. 

Nationwide is now offering webinars on demand. Nationwide Webinars. 

To set up an appointment to enroll, review or make changes to your Nationwide Deferred Compensation Plan please call 502-794-0150 to set up an individual appointment with Virginia Geddes or contact her by email at to:

  • Enroll in a supplemental retirement plan (457b).
  • Develop or review your retirement goals.
  • Increase deferrals to your account.
  • Discuss investment options.
  • Learn about your payout options. A representative can also be reached toll free at 877-677-3678


Indiana Public Retirement System (INPRS) Vanderburgh County's mandatory retirement plan is through the State of Indiana and is named Indiana Public Retirement System (INPRS) which was formerly Public Employees Retirement Fund (PERF). Contributions are mandatory for any full time employee. The exceptions are Sheriff's Deputies who contribute to the Sheriff's Retirement Fund.


  • Mandatory 3% employee contribution on gross wages. Exceptions are employees under collective bargaining units; employee contributions are paid by Vanderburgh County.
  • Vanderburgh County contributes 11.2% of employee's gross wages into the PERF fund.
  • 10 years to be vested in PERF program.
  • Service with other government units can be credited towards vestment.
  • Customer Service Number - (844) 464-6777


You must now use this link to log into PERF for these on-line maintenance forms to update personal information, manage your account, or estimate your retirement benefits:

  • Change your address with PERF (remember to also change your address with payroll and on your insurance policies.) Change of Address Form with PERF can be filled in and returned to PERF. This will require the employee to log into their account.
    • To direct an investment change on your employee contributions with PERF. Members can log in to their PERF Online account to complete their investment direction election, or call (844) 464-6777 to complete their request via phone with a customer service representative.
      • Change of Beneficiary Form that can be filled out online and sent to PERF. This will require the employee to log into their account.
        • INPRS at a Glance to learn more about the Indiana Public Retirement System.
        • Use this link to go to the PERF Benefits Calculator .

        Sheriff's Retirement

        If you are a Sheriff's Deputy, under the Sheriff's Retirement Plan, you need to contact Robert Clark, Sheriff's Pension Secretary, at 812-421-6237 for retirement information in the Sheriff's Office.

        Early Retirement

        Use the appropriate links below to find out the early retirement qualifications for:

        Group Health Insurance Plan for Retired County Employees

        Please Contact Shepherd Insurance at 812-473-5100 for information.

        Employee Assistance Program

        Employee Assistance Program - Southwestern Behavioral Healthcare, Inc. This program provides 3 free counseling sessions for both work and non-work-related issues. These counseling sessions are completely confidential. For professional, discreet, and confidential EAP counseling services, contact: Southwestern Behavioral Healthcare, Inc.415 Mulberry St., Evansville, IN 47713

        Payroll and Insurance Forms:

        Software Access Form- Vanderburgh County MUNIS