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Vanderburgh County Commissioners

County Commission - Vanderburgh County

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The County Auditor is an ex-officio clerk or secretary for the Board of Commissioners and shall keep a record of the proceedings of their meetings (Commission, Drainage, and Rezoning).

The proceedings and determinations of the board shall be recorded in a book to be kept for that purpose, and all books, accounts, vouchers, papers, and documents, touching the business or property of the county, shall be carefully kept by the auditor. (IC 36-2-2-11)

Live Streaming of Meetings

You can view meetings live on Granicus by clicking on this link and selecting Board of County Commissioners and then View Event for the meeting. If you wish to view the agenda, click on Agenda. The video recording and the verbatim minutes of these meetings are also archived on Granicus for meetings starting September 15, 2015, to the present.

To view a list of upcoming County meetings, click on the Events Calendar link under More Information.

Viewable Commission Minutes

Vanderburgh County Commission meeting minutes are available for public review in the Vanderburgh County Auditor's Office, Room 208 of the Civic Center Complex. The handwritten/ typed minutes are available from the year 1818 through the present. Microfilm and CD records are available from March 1837 through December 1970.

Contact Madelyn Grayson at 812-435-5471 for more information. Scanned images of these records are available by using the links for Vanderburgh County Commission Meetings Archive - 1800s, 1900s and 2000s.

On September 15, 2015 the Commission, Rezoning and Drainage minutes became available on Granicus along with the video file of the meetings.  Upon approval by the County Commissioners during their official meeting, minutes will be made available the following business day by 12:00 noon and posted to Granicus.

You can view the video recording and the verbatim minutes of these meetings (Commission/ Rezoning and Drainage) on Granicus by clicking on this link and selecting Archived Events, the year, Board of County Commissioners and then the meeting. For verbatim minutes, use the dropdown menu to select Commission/ Rezoning or Drainage minutes.

1800s - If you would like to view the Commission Minutes from the 1800s, click on the link to the left labeled Vanderburgh County Commission Meetings Archive - 1800s. These are in PDF format and are handwritten and are not searchable. To use the index by date to help in your search, click on TOC.
1900s -If you would like to view the Commission Minutes from the 1900s, click on the link to the left labeled Vanderburgh County Commission Meetings Archive - 1900s. These are in PDF format and some are handwritten and are not searchable. To use the index by date to help in your search, click on TOC.
2000s -If you would like to view the Commission Minutes from the 2000s (prior to 9/15/2015), click on the link to the left labeled Vanderburgh County Commission Meetings Archive - 2000s. These are in PDF format and are searchable. To use the index by date to help in your search, click on TOC.

Highland Pigeon Watershed Development Commission Documents

Verbatim Minutes for Commission Meetings 2022:

Verbatim Minutes for Drainage Board Meetings 2022: 

Verbatim Minutes for Commission Emergency Meetings:

Verbatim Minutes for Drainage Board Meetings:

Transient Merchants License

Transient Merchants must have a Retail Merchant's Certificate.

If they already have one:

They must bring a copy of their certificate into the Auditor's Office and a waiver will then be issued to them from the Commissioners Recording Secretary. They do not need an appointment, but if they desire one they may call (812) 435-5471. If they are planning on going door-to-door (residence-to-residence) they will need to also go to the Police Department and obtain a Solicitor's License and complete the necessary paperwork.

If they do not already have one:

They may obtain a certificate from the Indiana Department of Revenue, which is located (locally) in the Goodwill Building, Suite 202 at 500 South Green River Road, Evansville, Indiana. The phone number is (812) 479-9261.

Peddlers license:

For business conducted within the city limits of Evansville call the City Controller at (812) 436-4919.

Forms Available including Steps for Vacation of Public Way or Place and Vacation of a County Street or Roadway

County Commissioners:
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